by Webmaster | Feb 25, 2004 | Case Study, Distribution, Industries, Software
Seventh Generation Inc. is a company with a conscience. It markets environmentally friendly non-toxic household cleaners, laundry and dish products; 100% recycled, non-chlorine bleached bathroom & facial tissues, paper towels & napkins; plus recycled...
by Webmaster | Feb 25, 2004 | Case Study, Distribution, Industries, Software
Orion Fashions imports costume jewelry from manufacturers around the world and sells it to retailers throughout the United States. People buy Orion Fashions’ jewelry because it makes them look good and because it is affordable. “Ours is a high-volume, low-margin...
by Webmaster | Feb 25, 2004 | Case Study, Distribution, Hybrid, Industries, Retail, Service, Software
Grassland Equipment is one outdoor equipment company that has seen how results-oriented automation can streamline processes and impact the bottom line. Grasslands is a 39-year-old company with a healthy, but complicated business: As a Toro distributor responsible for...
by Webmaster | Feb 25, 2004 | Case Study, Distribution, Industries, Retail, Software
On the surface of it, you might think that being a fresh fish market is a pretty simple business: you buy fish; you sell fish. But if you are Cousins Fish Market, specializing in putting fresh fish on the table for wholesale and retail customers from Lake Placid to...
by Webmaster | Feb 25, 2004 | Case Study, Industries, Manufacturing, Service, Software
Schenectady Steel fabricates the structural steel for commercial and public buildings. Schenectady Steel will supply the structural steel framework, joists, decking and stairways and, if the customer wishes, the delivery and erection of the steel. For Danny...
by Webmaster | Feb 25, 2004 | Case Study, Distribution, Hybrid, Industries, Manufacturing, Retail, Software
The Company Nearly three and a half decades ago, Jim Fisk decided to create some detailed maps of Burnt Hills, NY, to help a group of people doing some canvassing for a church. From that humble beginning a company – JIMAPCO – was born and has since become an 18-person...
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