Corporate Goals
- Absolute integrity: EXEControl Global Solutions’ #1 priority is to do all that we do with absolute integrity. We need to be honest, ethical, fair and responsive, showing the leadership qualities our clients, vendors, fellow employees and family members desire and expect from us. We should treat all individuals and companies the way we would like to be treated.
- Great place to work: EXEControl Global Solutions is here to benefit or for the benefit of its employees. Our offices should be a place where people trust each other, can take pride in their work and look forward to participating with the rest of the team.
- High customer satisfaction: While EXEControl Global Solutions desires to profit and provide a solid level of pay to its employees, we commit not to do this at the abuse of our customers. Every reasonable effort will be made to make our customer relationships a win-win partnership. Both parties should receive an excellent ‘deal’ from the relationship.
- World-class quality services and products: Profit and customer billing is not the primary focus of EXEControl Global Solutions, rather, quality of service and products. Our ability to survive and to provide the win-win partnership relationship requires our software/ products and our consulting / services to be above market standards. The efficiency of our customers is a primary objective of our world-class service. Having a stable and intuitive software package is critical to this end. Our software needs to be modern and leading-edge.
- Increasing revenue and profits: EXEControl Global Solutions is a ‘for-profit-company’. The following is a non-exhaustive list of ways EXEControl Global Solutions could potentially increase either revenue and/or profit.
- Introduction of new features
- Simplified use of software
- Faster implementation time
- Consulting
- New markets such as non-EXEControl customers
- Focus on our standard software vs. custom solutions: As a company, we want to have as much of our time spent improving our standard products rather than one-up custom solutions. Where reasonable and in the best interest of the product’s long-term viability, we want to work toward the reduction of client custom programs. Custom changes should be limited to trigger point technology as much as possible. There should also be a focus toward using our own software for our internal needs.
EXEControl Global Solutions understands that at times these goals will be in conflict with each other. Part of our job as a company is to examine how each decision will affect the other goal items and figure out how to maximize achievement of our goals while minimizing the negatives. We should always take an attitude of trying to figure out how to make an objective work rather than focusing on why it won’t.
The order of the goals listed above attempts to articulate our corporate priority of goals.