Custom Solutions
EXEControl Global Solutions provides many custom business software services to meet the needs of our clients. These services include:
Design Specification
Every custom business software project should start with a good system design. EXEControl Global Solutions works one-on-one with our clients staff to develop detailed specifications required and desired by the client. These specifications are defined in a ‘Detailed Product Blueprint’. This document not only outlines the procedural requirements of the system but also the objectives of the project. The path to a successful implementation starts with a clearly defined scope and method to be used to measure the quality of the implementation. EXEControl Global Solutions’ Project Blueprints bring clarity to the system development team and define the measuring stick(s) management will use to determine success.
System Selection
EXEControl Global Solutions assist clients every day in finding the right solutions to their system needs. Communicating and negotiating with third party vendors is a skill and often requires the expertise of someone from within the software industry. EXEControl Global Solutions can provide that partnership relation. No one wants to execute the same project twice and no one wants to spend money twice. Advance preparation with EXEControl Global Solutions could save your company time and money.
Implementation Services
Often companies replace their existing software solutions not because the software solution is unable to meet their specific needs but because either the company does not know how to get the software to meet their need or because they poorly implemented the system. In either case, the result is the same. Having the system work the way you want/need it to becomes much more difficult. EXEControl Global Solutions’ Professional Service department implements software solutions every day. They understand database concepts and business operations. As project managers EXEControl Global Solutions Professional Service staff will be able to lead, delegate and participate in the successful implementation of your software selection.
Custom Software Development
There are many situations where custom software development becomes a strategic positioning of a company. The custom software can give a company the competitive edge they are looking for. The custom software can provide them a tool that no other company has. EXEControl Global Solutions has been providing custom software solutions since our inception in 1967. No other software provider understands the balancing act required when creating custom software. As the developer of custom software EXEControl Global Solutions tries to balance: a) corporate benefit it will bring, b) ROI to the customer, c) initial cost, d) on-going cost, e) on-going support ability, f) ability to upgrade parts or the whole, g) ability to make changes as new system needs arise, h) ability to work with new hard and network structures, etc. As a software partner, EXEControl Global Solutions will educate and explain to the various software options you have in order to make the best decision possible.
Standard Software
EXEControl is a world-class ERP/CRM business software package. EXEControl has been designed horizontally addressing the needs of most businesses. No other package has the depth, breath, longevity, customer retention and commitment level as does EXEControl.
No matter what your business software needs might be, do yourself a favor and contact EXEControl Global Solutions. Let us know what your needs are and we will direct you in the right path. EXEControl Global Solutions exists to be your software and technology partner.
For more information regarding our software services:
Web request form
Phone: 800-393-2875 (EXECTRL)
Fax: 518-688-8800