“It isn’t every day that you can attract talent that has worked for Google. Daniel Wright was one of those rare situations,”said Allan Robison, CEO of EXEControl Global Solutions.
In the fall of 2013, EXEControl Global Solutions needed someone to join the Software Division. Michelle McKenzie, Director of Software Services, said, “The software is ever evolving to meet the needs of our clients. This requires strong technical employees to work with clients through the entire process, from the initial call, to planning how to meet the need, and finally the programming. The software is the end solution, but much is involved before we get to the programming portion of the process.”
Robison explained, “Our software engineers must be able to support the entire lifecycle of the business software. Most engineers excel in one area at the expense of another. We look for engineers that can and love to do every aspect of software development.”
Wright had spent the past ten years working throughout the various disciplines of software services with his most recent employment being within Google. With a degree in Chemistry, lending itself to “strong analytical thought process to both coding and support,”Wright explained, “my background ranged from Quality Assurance to Support to Programming.”
Todd Hess, Director of Professional Services, said, “Dan had a relatively broad skill set and was willing to work to increase his skill set.”
In December 2013, Wright joined the EXEControl Global Solutions team as an Applications Developer.
Michelle McKenzie, Director of Software Services, said, “Dan has a willingness to learn. His background shows that quality matters to him. He is very detail oriented and willing to do what is needed to meet our client’s needs.”
“It won’t be long until everyone in the EXEControl Community knows who Dan is. His well-developed communications skills allows him to work one-on-one with our clients and vendors. It is with great anticipation of success we welcome Dan Wright to EXEControl Global Solutions” – Allan Robison