EXEControl Global Solutions is proud to be sponsoring three of our employees and family in the Teal Ribbon 5K race taking place on September 9, 2012. As members of the Gwen’s Peeps, our team will be helping to raise money for the research and support of those dealing with Ovarian Cancer.
To join us in supporting this great cause, go to http://www.firstgiving.com/CaringTogether and click on the link, “11th Annual Teal Ribbon Run/Walk” on the right top part of the page.
Once the next page opens, you may join us by either donating, or participating.
To donate, find “Gwen’s Peeps” team from the team list, click on “Gwen’s Peeps”, click on one of our runners names: Craig Kimbrough, Patricia Robison or James Waltersdorf then click “Donate” and enter your information.
To Participate, click “Join Now” at the top center of the page, choose the type of runner or walker you are (and your family if they are participating also), click “Register”, create a FirstGiving account, then enter your information, select team “Gwen’s Peeps”, enter your credit card information and submit. Once done, you can still donate by going back to the main page and following the steps above.