When ordering products and/or services, there is always that challenge where many different people in the organization may have been involved with the order and each person knows things about the arrangements made and the quality of the product received. Often, you want to make sure all the promises, pricing and quality have been meet prior to paying the vendor for the goods and/or services.


In order to make this communication piece a little easier for your organization, EXEControl has been enhanced to assist in that communications. A new text box has been added to the purchase order entry/edit screen to allow the buyer and any other person with security access to add comments to the accounts payable department regarding the purchase order. The comments may be anything such as special promises the vendor has made (e.g.; freight not to exceed $250) or quality issues you are aware of. No matter what the reason, EXEControl will capture the notes and then present the information to the accounts payable department upon entering of any invoice for that purchase order.


The same feature is true from the entry/edit screen for receiving of goods and services. However, when notes are added to this text box, the information will be displayed to the accounts payable department for just those invoices that reference that specific receipt of goods.


System triggers can also be established to automatically populate these text fields for situations such as the quantity rejected field on the goods receipt screen has a quantity other than zero.


The goal of this new feature is to keep the communication lines flowing between all parties allowing individuals to capture their thoughts when it happens and while it happens and then let the system remember those thoughts until accounts payable is in need to know those thoughts.


For more information regarding EXEControl’s ability to assist with internal communications, contact EXEControl Global Solutions at info@execontrol.com or call 518-688-8700 x 1.