EXEControl Global Solutions is pleased to announce the creation of a new position, ‘Customer Support Liaison’.  “This newly created position will enhance the communication chain between our customers and our support staff,” stated Allan Robison, President & CEO of EXEControl Global Solutions. Tasked with the challenge of fulfilling the expectations of this new position, Charmaine Baker, a new EXEControl hire, will be working closely with our client base. Charmaine, as Customer Support Liaison, reports directly to Todd Hess, Director of Professional Services. Charmaine has been in this new position for less than one month yet EXEControl Global Solutions has already received multiple unsolicited praises from customers in regards to the effect this new position has had.

Charmaine is a graduate of ITT Tech, she comes with five years of technology experience and graduated with a perfect 4.0 GPA. “EXEControl Global Solutions is excited about this new position and the talent that Charmaine brings to the team,” says Todd Hess.