MasterCard has announced that they are adding a new range of prefix numbers (also known as Bank Identification Numbers [BIN]). The old range was 520000 – 559999. MasterCard is now also adding range 222100 – 272099.


The change is to take place starting January 1, 2017. Depending on how your credit card processing information is verified, your current software might reject these cards as invalid.


For those customers using EXEControl ERP/CRM software suite, EXEControl has a card table where the acceptable card ranges are stored. To accept these cards, simply update the card range table to include the new range 222100 – 272099.


For assistance on how to change this setting in EXEControl, please reach out to EXEControl Global Solutions’ Software Support Department at or call 518-688-8700 extension 2.


Processing requirements:

10/14/16 – Your software must be able to accept these new card numbers

1/1/17   – New card numbers go into effect

7/1/17   – If not supporting these new cards you will be liable for non-compliance fees