Todd Hess has been directly working with Scouts BSA  for several years now. With the onset of a worldwide pandemic, things started to look a little different for the scouts. Each scout completes “merit badges,” which show completion or mastering of a specific skill or course.

During the pandemic, scouts found themselves with plenty of free time, but these courses could not be given in person. Therefore, they had an online merit badge college. This “college” was open to scouts across the country and taught a variety of skills. The college had boys and girls from 40 different states!

Todd Hess, Director of Professional Services at EXEControl Global Solutions, volunteered to teach a course on American Business.  The badge covers a wide variety of business concepts including the history of the free enterprise system, how to obtain capital, business licensing, preparing financial statements, insurance, business ethics, the role of the US Department of Labor and the role of labor unions.

EXEControl is so thankful to have employees that care about their community. Todd, great work volunteering! If you see Todd around make sure to ask him about his work with the online merit badge college.

Todd Hess giving powerpoint lesson