‘Centers’ are an integral component of EXEControl*. As interactive applications, they enhance a particular business group or individual’s performance of work functions. Centers display transactions individual users need to be aware of; they also provide buttons for the various tasks needed to complete an individual’s workload. Activities such as customer service, check writing, purchasing products, etc., utilize centers.

purchasing centerMemorizes Changes

While in a center, users have the ability to hide and unhide columns, change column length, sort by columns, and filter content. As a new feature, EXEControl’s interactive applications centers can now memorize changes as a preference. Each time the user reenters a center, EXEControl retrieves these settings/preferences and applies the changes.

New Button

Also available is a new button, secured on upgrade by default, allowing full access to all configuration change settings for the center. In this full access mode, changes to color, accessible fields within the records, button groupings, sizing of the center, and much more, may be defined and redefined.

For more information regarding EXEControl’s interactive applications centers, please contact EXEControl Global Solutions at info@execontrol.com.


* EXEControl is an ERP/CRM business software suite provided by EXEControl Global Solutions.