David Fizer is the newest member of the EXEControl Business Development Team. We are excited to have David join the EXEControl community. David provided us with an interview to help the EXEControl community get to know a little more about him.

David entered the team with an extreme passion for making the business thrive. He said, “I joined here not because I wasn’t making enough money. None of that factored in. What did factor in is that I wanted to go somewhere where I could make a huge difference… and really show tangible results. Our goals are to build truly a sales organization.” While making these huge improvements to the business, he wants to do it in an ethical way. Therefore, he was extremely impressed by the companies strong moral compass. He said, “[Allan Robison’s] ethics are second to none. He won’t compromise that. That was a huge draw for me. We are not going to try to get one over on somebody for a quick buck. We are going to build a really good wholesome organization.”

In addition to his reasons for joining EXEControl, David let us know a little bit about who he is outside of work. David is an avid competitive golfer. He spends many of his weekends throughout the summer at the golf course. He also loves beekeeping. Not only does he have his own bees, he also teaches others how to keep and take care of bees.

David said that if he could only have one meal for the rest of his life, he would eat dove breast marinated wrapped in bacon with a little piece of jalapeno on the inside grilled on the grill. He loved making this meal when he lived in the South and enjoyed hunting dove. If he was stranded on a deserted island, but all his human needs were taken care of, he would bring with him his girlfriend Kim and his shotgun.

We are glad that David chose EXEControl because he makes an excellent addition to our team. We hope this helped you get to know him a little better. When you see David around make sure to say hi and welcome him to the EXEControl team.

David Fizer is the newest member of the EXEControl Business Development Team