Craig joined the EXEControl Global Solutions’ team in January of 2010, as a Network Technician. After years of hard work and dedication, along with learning the ins and outs of the department, he became the Manager of our Networking Services team. We sat down (virtually) with Craig to learn more about his outlook on working for EXEControl Global Solutions.
We asked Craig, “over the course of your 10 years with EXEControl Global Solutions- what do you believe has been the biggest change that has occurred?”. Craig replied, when he became the Department Manager, it was his biggest personal change. A lot of change and transition was happening within the department, all within the same time frame. “I accepted a position that another employee had filled for 19 years. That amount of knowledge is huge! The transition period was small, and the transfer of information was fast paced. I am grateful for the environment within the company, which has allowed me to grow into this position. This was a big personal change for me, but a successful one, stated Craig.”
Of course, like all other employees and companies across the world, when COVID-19 hit, once again there was another significant change. This time it was not only a personal adjustment, but a companywide shift. Craig explained, “COVID-19 has changed everything. The way we communicate, the way we manage individual departments and manage our clients. We shifted to remote settings, along with assisting our clients in doing the same. While the situation was stressful, like anything else, we adapted and adjusted. It quickly became the new normal.”
The way the company quickly adapts and comes together as a team, is one of the many things Craig loves about working at EXEControl Global Solutions. Craig shared that he believes that when looking for a career, everyone looks for the same attributes; Integrity, accountability, good ethics, and room for growth. EXEControl has that and more, explained Craig. “Everyone is always willing to drop what they are doing to help a teammate. There is never a hesitation to pass on knowledge or learning to one another. Our mentality is; if one fails, we all fail. I personally love that about the company.”
EXEControl Global Solutions takes pride in making sure there is a balance between work and personal relationships within the company. According to Craig, these actions contribute to some of his favorite memories at the company. He shared that he always enjoys the company summer outings, and Holiday luncheons the company has shared together over the years. Craig explained that, “for me, these outings allow the departments and team members to interact outside of an office setting. You start to develop more of a personal relationship with people that you work closely with every day. These events are something I look forward to each year.”
We asked Craig to share with us something that people might not know about him. We were surprised to hear that, not only has Craig scored touchdowns with a Texas stadium, but he has also sparred with a couple of professional MMA fighters! Those aren’t items you see on a typical Networking resume! Aside from those impressive life moments, Craig loves saltwater aquariums. He shared that he has two large aquariums (120 Gallon and 300 gallon) within his home. While they are a lot of work to maintain, Craig uses that time to unplug from his everyday routine. Commonly enough, Craig also told us that seafood is his favorite food! Very versatile and easy to prepare, Craig explained.
Congratulations again to Craig on receiving December Employee of the Month! We are glad to have you leading our Networking team and enjoyed learning more about you on a personal level!