It has been twelve consecutive years that EXEControl Global Solutions has sponsored an Electronic Recycling event for the EXEControl Community and companies within Clifton Park’s Corporate Park. With the ongoing pandemic, the company had some internal discussions as to if we should just skip the event for this year. The company decided to continue the event but take the necessary precautions to protect EXEControl’s employees as well as the local community that participated.

It ended up being a huge success. Three pallets of four gaylords of electronics were boxed, shrink wrapped, and hauled away to a recycling facility where the equipment will be broken down to their raw materials and recycled properly. This is seven very large pallets of electronics that no one is going to find in a landfill!

Every year EXEControl Global Solutions provides attendees with a free cookout; Hamburgers  and/or hot dogs , chips, cookies and lots of cold drinks for those that come to drop equipment off. Due to this year’s pandemic, EXEControl was unable to continue with this tradition.  In order to still show appreciation, ‘to go’ bags with some snacks, drinks, and fun free merchandise in the bags were provided to everyone that stopped by. The bags also included a personalized thank you from the EXEControl team for the individuals doing their part to help keep our unwanted electronics out of the landfills.

This yearly event wouldn’t be possible without the assistance from EWASTE+ (Formally Regional Computer Recycling & Recovery).  Since 1995 EWASTE+ has been a custom electronics recycler, with facilities in Rochester, Albany & NYC. Each year they team up with EXEControl Global Solutions by sending a truck, 2 employees and all the necessary packing materials to make this event a success.  EXEControl takes pride in knowing that they are partnered with a company that rigorously adheres to all the Federal/State compliances when processing and disposing of the electronic materials. We, along with EWASTE+ are committed to do our part in keeping these hazardous materials out of the landfills.  We look forward to a long lasting partnership with a great company!

Thank you to all the EXEControl employees that came out and helped unload and box the seven pallets worth of electronics. Thank you to all those that came out and participated in the event.

EXEControl employees unloading truck of electronics EXEControl employees with boxes of electronics

EXEControl employees unloading pickup truck of electronics Boxes of electronics outside