EXEControl Global Solution’s annual Holiday celebration is an event the entire staff looks forward to each year. With COVID precautions still in place, everyone thought it would be cancelled.  Allan Robison, President and Jennifer Mazzariello, Office Manager were determined to do everything they could to safely continue this long-standing tradition. “With the countless disappointments and cancelled gatherings this year, we wanted to bring a little joy to our staff, even if it was just for a short period of time”, said Jennifer.

So, on Friday, December 18th, EXEControl Global Solutions, closed the office at 3:00PM and the staff met in the parking lot of the Corporate Office in Clifton Park, NY.  Social distancing and donning their masks, the staff braved the cold weather and spent some time catching up with one another. Hot chocolate and individually wrapped cookie treats were provided, along with some special gifts for the entire staff!  As for remote employees, travel restrictions meant they couldn’t physically attend, however, that wasn’t going to stop them from joining in on the fun! Allan initiated a video conference call and personally included them in the event.  Mark Dipofi, a member of the Network Service team, shared “Even though I was not there in person, being able to attend the event virtually, allowed me to see everyone and feel part of the team”.

David Fizer, Business Development at EXEControl Global Solutions, perfectly summed up the overall feeling of the event, by stating, “This was an exceptional event, far exceeding my expectations. In light of everything going on around us we were able to bring out the Holiday Spirit. It reminded me of Dr. Suess’ story, How the Grinch Stole Christmas.  The entire year of 2020 has been symbolic with the grinch, however as the story goes, you can’t stop the Holidays from coming or the spirit within us all.”

EXEControl Global Solutions would like to wish everyone a safe & healthy holiday season!

Holiday celebration outdoors Holiday celebration outdoors in front of building Holiday celebration outdoors, people on zoom Holiday celebration outdoors in parking lot table outside with dunkin donuts presents outside on table