The following is an excerpt from an email EXEControl Global Solutions received from Tiffany Dawn, a self-employed entrepreneur for The Insatiable Quest For Beauty. Tiffany, as a motivational speaker, lives out of her suitcase traveling from city to city. During her recent tour, Tiffany found she was having problems with her laptop…


Here is what Tiffany wrote: “I love how EXEControl Global Solutions always treats me as a valued customer and their priority. While I was traveling, my computer began shutting down sporadically and stopped connecting to password-protected wireless sites. Knowing I would be away for the majority of a year, I asked if there was anything they could do through the remote access application they had installed for me. Sure enough, they hopped on, and within a very short amount of time had found the issue and resolved it. My laptop is working wonderfully now. I love that distance is no issue with EXEControl!”


The above email has been published with permission of the author, Tiffany Dawn.