Years of hard work in boy scouts culminate in an eagle project. An eagle project is a huge endeavor where a boy scout takes on a project that serves their local community. This project usually takes several months and may require significant help from volunteers. Todd Hess volunteered to help a scout build a bridge on a local trail. This bridge allowed the five-mile trail in the Vischer Ferry preserve to be more accessible.
Previously, another member of the troop built a bridge in the same spot on this trail. Unfortunately, a tree had fallen on it. Therefore, Leo Coons, the eagle scout, rebuilt it. It was a significant bridge that had to be stable enough for both foot traffic and equipment for keeping up the trail.
This project took a significant period of time and several volunteers. Todd Hess volunteered. They spent several days detaching the old bridge and then rebuilding it. EXEControl is grateful to have employees like Todd who work to better our community. Congratulations to Leo Coons on his successful eagle scout project. We are sure the bridge will be well used.