The Clifton Park IDA has a core goal of seeking to promote town prosperity through the creation and advancement of a healthy business climate; supporting job creation and retention.  Todd Hess, Director of Professional Services at EXEControl Global Solutions has sat on the board for several years. During that time, the IDA has been very successful in their mission and accumulated a fund balance from fees businesses pay when receiving IDA financing.  Once COVID-19 hit, the IDA board looked for ways to use that money to help local businesses.

Todd said “We are always looking for ways to help local businesses. At this time when many of our small businesses are struggling, we saw opportunities to be of service.”

Their first program was to procur and distribute $35,000 worth of disposable masks to local businesses at no cost. Todd said “Not only were we able to provide them at no cost, but we were able to source them so businesses could get back up and running as soon as possible while helping keep their employees safe.”

Shortly after the IDA initiated the mask program, the board voted to allocate $100,000 in grants to Clifton Park businesses to help them pay for personal protective equipment and other measures to reduce the spread of the virus. The reaction from the business community was so great that Todd proposed an additional $50,000 be allocated. That was unanimously approved by the board.

EXEControl is proud of Todd Hess and his work on the IDA board to help set up these programs for COVID-19 relief.

Clifton Park Halfmoon road sign