News & Articles
EXEControl Global Solutions would like to recognize Hannoush Jewelers, a Family Run Business, for National Family Business Day
As one could imagine, running a Family Business comes with a fair share of blessings and challenges. Norman Hannoush, Owner of Hannoush Jewelers and client of EXEControl Global Solutions for the past 16 years provided EXEControl Global Solutions with an interview...
Todd Hess, Director of Professional Services, and the Clifton Park Industrial Development Agency Support Local Businesses During COVID
The Clifton Park IDA has a core goal of seeking to promote town prosperity through the creation and advancement of a healthy business climate; supporting job creation and retention. Todd Hess, Director of Professional Services at EXEControl Global Solutions has sat...
Todd Hess, Director of Professional Services, Taught American Business at an Online Merit Badge College
Todd Hess has been directly working with Scouts BSA for several years now. With the onset of a worldwide pandemic, things started to look a little different for the scouts. Each scout completes “merit badges,” which show completion or mastering of a specific skill or...
APICS Albany Chapter has a new President
EXEControl Global Solutions is proud to announce that Jonathan Sternfeld, one of our Senior Applications Developers, has been elected as the new President of the Albany Capital District Chapter of APICS! Jonathan has been heavily involved with the organization since...
EXEControl Global Solutions Congratulates Jennifer Mazzariello on Employee of the Month August 2020.
As of December 2020, Jennifer Mazzariello, the office manager, will have been at EXEControl 15 years. Throughout these years, she has been an extremely valuable member of the EXEControl community. During her time at EXEControl, Jennifer has learned many things....
Todd Hess, Director of Professional Services, Helps a Local Scout Complete his Eagle Project
Years of hard work in boy scouts culminate in an eagle project. An eagle project is a huge endeavor where a boy scout takes on a project that serves their local community. This project usually takes several months and may require significant help from volunteers. Todd...
EXEControl Global Solutions Congratulates Todd Hess on Employee of the Month September 2020
Todd Hess, Director of Professional Services, has been working at EXEControl Global Solutions since December 1997. Todd has been a valuable member of the EXEControl team since he started. Interestingly, Todd does not think much has changed since he came to the...
Bluestone Introduces Voice Services at an Affordable Price
Bluestone is a VoIP service provider that is known for providing high quality phone services at a more affordable price than legacy phone systems. Jeff Robinson, the president of Bluestone, provided EXEControl with an interview. The first question was “What should a...
Todd Hess, Director of Professional Services, works with Local Scouts by Counselling on Personal Management
Part of being a scout in Scouts BSA is earning merit badges. Last fall Todd Hess, Director of Professional Services for EXEControl Global Solutions, had volunteered to work with scouts from multiple local troops to accomplish the Eagle required merit badge Personal...
EXEControl Global Solutions Hosts the Annual Electronic Recycling Event on August 13th, 2020.
It has been twelve consecutive years that EXEControl Global Solutions has sponsored an Electronic Recycling event for the EXEControl Community and companies within Clifton Park’s Corporate Park. With the ongoing pandemic, the company had some internal discussions as...