Congratulations to our January employee of the Month; Krzysztof (Chris) Wolcz.
Chris joined the EXEControl Global Solutions team back in 2006 and is now a Senior Applications Developer. Chris will be celebrating his 15th Anniversary with the company in June, and after putting in that amount of time with a company, it is common to see significant changes occur. We asked Chris how he felt EXEControl Global Solutions has changed over the years, and he shared that “The technology around us has changed; new products and services. EXEControl is continuously changing their technology offerings in order to provide customers with what they want and need. I find it important to mention that one item that has not changed during my time with EXEControl Global Solutions, is the “spirit” of the company as a whole.”
This EXEControl “spirit” is on full display in one of Chris’ favorite memories with the company. When his youngest son was diagnosed with a life-threating illness, Chris faced many new challenges within his personal life. The company came together as a whole to stand beside Chris in the fight. His coworkers organized a fund-raising event to help offset the new financial burden he was being faced with and management made some work schedule accommodations, so he could spend more time at the hospital. Adam’s condition requires continuous monitoring and numerous follow-up appointments, however we are happy to report that Adam is currently doing well.
Before being hired at EXEControl Global Solutions, Chris worked several different jobs that ranged from a teaching position to creating a program that operated a crane system, and to even owning his own consulting company. When Chris decided that the costs of owning his own company became too much, he found himself on the hunt for a company that checked all his boxes. It came down to two contenders. In the end, EXEControl Global Solutions was his choice because we offered a bigger and broader variety of clients, and had the promise of being a more interesting career path. Fast forward 15 years, we asked Chris what he likes most about working at EXEControl Global Solutions, and sure enough his answer was, “I like that I do something new all the time. Whether it is a new feature or a customization for a client, the daily projects are always different”.
When Chris isn’t working, he enjoys vacationing with his wife and children. Chris shared that the best vacation he has been on was when he took a trip around Poland. Chris said, “it was much more fun than anticipated. We saw the house of Copernicus, beautiful old towns, along with ultra-modern hands-on science museums. We went to see caverns and the German’s secret installations of World War II, hiked dunes and mountains and even scheduled a ride in a Lamborghini for my oldest son.” If those adventures aren’t your style, the trip also offered “exceptional food and tons of fancy ice cream”, explained Chris.
It wasn’t surprising to hear that if Chris won the lottery, he would use his winnings on a family trip, but this time he would invite some friends to come along! Of course, that is after paying taxes, paying debts and taking care of some home improvements.
Congratulations Chris! EXEControl Global Solutions is proud to have you part of our team and we are glad we checked off all your boxes!